

Sheet Ejection Material.

In todays busy production environment many customers are becoming trim sensitive, normally there are two options to control waste issues - either reduce machine speeds or manually pick the waste from the pallet stack., Supercell is a high performance sheet ejection material developed to increase die cutting performance and trim waste control on all die cutting machinery, losing the trim waste in the die cut section and not allowing any trim  travel through the machine or with the product.

How, you might ask?

Supercell has been in testing since early 2014 and has been engineered for the corrugated industry by the corrugated industry. By using a variety of heights and shore hardnesses it is now possible to control all aspects of ejection on the cutting tool.

If a machine die cutting at 18,000 feeds/hour will result in the ejection rubber compressing 5 times a second! Supercell has been engineered to eliminate compression set in the ejection rubbers, increasing the rebound speed which in turn separates the trim waste from the die cut blank faster than seen by using conventional rubbering methods, giving us complete control on waste ejection.

Engineered with a thick urethane skin to promote abrasion resistance, Supercell has been proven to reach production totals in excess of 2 million feeds, outlasting the cutting knife on the tool!

For more information please contact us.