Bricq Corrugator Belts

Bricq Corrugator Belts

Pioneers in the production of heavy textiles destined for industrial use, Bricq SAS is located in France with over 130 years of existence and experience.

Bricq are the market innovators in the corrugated sector, offering a variety of solutions and products for specific customer requirements, such as:

  • Woven, Needled & Hybrid Double Backer Belts
  • Cylinder Lagging
  • Bridge Brake Lining (Picot)
  • Bridge belts
  • 100% Cotton Single Facer belts (Molco)

All belts manufactured by Bricq are pre-stretched, tensioned and stabilised before their final onward journey to the customer. This benefit offers a belt that is reliable and consistent resulting in enhanced web alignment and a reduction in noise through bounce and movement.

Check out the product sheets below for further details:

Forme Tec Corrugated Ltd are also available for your installation and repair requirements, offering the complete turn-key installation through a team of competent technicians. Check out our installation video below: